
2nd Edition (September 2024)

New bees added!

  • Bee pages feature a summary note of historical records curated from literature (see references page)
  • News page added
  • References page added
  • Bee badges updated to locations of interest


Data Completeness

Bee book gallery shows two pieces of information per species page:

  1. Bee image (curated by KQ)
  2. Map of observations in Pacific Maritime (pulled from GBIF)

Page completeness is as follows:

1st Edition release (December 2023)

First published version of the bee book!

Data Completeness

Bee book gallery shows two pieces of information per species page:

  1. Bee image (curated by KQ)
  2. Map of observations in Pacific Maritime (pulled from GBIF)

Page completeness is as follows:

Last updated: 2024-09-13 22:33:46