Bombus vosnesenskii
Yellow-faced bumblebee
Observation notes
Lutz and Cockerell 1920: Vancouver Island. Muesebeck et al. 1951: Pacific coast. Tommasi et al. 2004: Greater Vancouver Area. Ratti et al. 2008: Fraser Valley. Fraser et al. 2012: E. (Elle), L. (Button), C. Ratti, 2004, numerous localities recorded for the Lower Mainland and adjacent Vancouver Island, Cowichan Lake Forestry Station; Abbotsford; Fraser Valley Regional District, Onnink property. Biodiversity Galiano Life List: (Andrew Simon), 2017, Galiano. Guzman et al., 2023: (Neame), 2007; (Gielens), 2009, 2010; (Wray), 2012; (Gillespie), 2014, 2015; (Kelly), 2017, Vancouver Island. (Button), 2011, Abbotsford. (Gehrels), 2013; (Toshack), 2015; (Bobiwash), 2016; (Elle), 2016, Lower Mainland. NBSBC Bee Atlas Database: (Zand), 2021, 2022; (Gadzik), (Young), (Nicholls), (Harrison)), 2022; ((Wong), (Carmichael), (McDougall), (Lee), Vancouver Island; (Lakes), 2023, Vancouver. iNaturalist: Vancouver Island, Lower Mainland, Squamish, from 2007. Note: B. caliginosus is easily overlooked due to similarities with B. vosnesenskii. females can be differentiated from B. vosnesenskii based on the slightly but dictinctly loner malar area, and the extensive pale hairs on S4. Males can be identified gased on the same malar features, and the wider, expanded penis valves (LR Best, personal communication).