Anthidium manicatum
European woolcarder bee
Vancouver Island Lower Mainland Coast Galiano
Observation notes
Gibbs and Sheffield 2009: (Gibbs and Sheffield), 2007, 2km S. of Courtenay). Ratti et al. 2008: Fraser Valley. Biodiversity Galiano Life List: (Ian Guthrie), 2014, Galiano. Spencer Entomological Collection, UBC: (C.G. Ratzlaff), 2017, Vancouver. M. Clausen, Masters thesis: 2017, Delta. Guzman et al., 2023: (Gielens), 2009, 2010; (Wray), 2012; (Gillespie), 2014, 2015 Vancouver Island. (Gehrels), 2013; (Elle), 2016; (Bobiwash), 2016, Lower Mainland. (Toshack), 2016, Abbotsford. NBSBC Bee Atlas Database: (Zand), 2021, 2022, (Gadzik), 2022; (Lee), Carmichael, (McDougall), 2023, Vancouver Island; (Young), 2022, Vancouver. iNaturalist: Vancouver Island, Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley, Central Coast, from 2014.